Solutions for Northern Agriculture

irrigation design & development - Northern Queensland + Northern Australia



AGRIBUSINESS - Northern Queensland + Northern Australia

NAAS prides itself on offering effective long and short-term business planning and innovative agribusiness solutions. NAAS offers a whole of farm assessment and review highlighting efficiencies, with accurate benchmarking and detailed financial budgets. The NAAS team has the expertise to deliver strategic business plans, comprehensive financials for the banking industry and detailed financial analysis for investors.

The financial plans that can be delivered by NAAS include, gross margin and cash flow budgets, loan assessments and machinery leasing options. NAAS can comprehensively analyse future farm developments and expansions and the capital expenditure requirements. NAAS is able to develop timelines for projects including, a cost base analysis, capital requirements and cost-effective budgets for the development. Comprehensive advice can be provided on water tender submissions, the evaluation criteria, Water Resource Plans and Resource Operation Plans.

  • agribusiness - farm development agribusiness - innovative agribusiness solutions agribusiness - farm consultant


FARM DEVELOPMENT + Northern Australia rain grown crop production

NAAS can effectively oversee agriculture development and/or expansion projects in Northern Australia. NAAS is able to manage irrigation development with the ability to source the best in field people, operators and machinery to deliver projects on time and on budget.  NAAS specialises in irrigation projects including, furrow irrigation, centre pivots, lateral move systems and drip irrigation or any of these combinations. The NAAS team understands crop production and how farm development can impact on yield and the need to get the development right the first time is paramount to a successful operation. 

Efficiencies drive farm and irrigation development and are at the forefront of all decision-making, whether it be energy, water or labour efficiencies.  These operational expenses can make an enormous difference to the bottom line of a farming enterprise in Northern Australia.

  • farm-development - irrigation design & development farm-development - irrigation development farm-development - irrigation projects


agricultural consultant + CROP PRODUCTION

The NAAS team has extensive knowledge and understanding of irrigated and rain grown cropping in Northern Australia including cotton, grains, oilseed, pulse, and fodder crops. Using sound agronomic skills developed over 30 years of farming, with a passion to understand the crop we grow, and the environment that we grow it in, the NAAS team can provide thorough agronomic advice on crop production, including nutrient and soil management, irrigation scheduling and crop husbandry.

NAAS is committed to natural resource management, maintaining soil health and promoting excellence in farm husbandry techniques to ensure that Northern Australian farms are sustainable into the future.

  • farm consultant + crop-production crop-production rain grown crop-productions


INVESTMENT + agricultural consultant

The NAAS team is well situated to make connections between corporate investment and Northern Australia agriculture. NAAS has a unique understanding of the investment sector and their requirements, coupled with the needs of primary producers in Northern Australia and thus is able to bring together both parties to develop a beneficial working relationship.

If an agriculture enterprise requires capital injection or a new financer, then NAAS is able to source meaningful local or overseas investment and build strong relationship that are favourable to all concerned parties. NAAS is committed to strong partnerships between primary producers and investors.

  • INVESTMENT - Northern Australia agricultureINVESTMENT - primary producersINVESTMENT - capital injection